A classic, Shropshire wedding at Davenport House.

It was a pleasure to photograph at one of my favourite Shropshire wedding venues, Davenport House, for Aimee & Jean's luxury autumnal celebration.

There was an old fashioned, high end vibe involving tuxedos and red roses, along with elaborate floral displays and lots of candlelight, a look which really suited this country house location.

Jean, being German, had a number of family members flying over to enjoy the day, and the couple were really keen for a relaxed event, with great food and champagne free flowing. There was a requirement for some unposed portraits but lots of free time to enjoy with guests. I was given free roam to capture the day organically as events unfolded, which really complimented my documentary approach.

I would love the opportunity to return to Davenport House, so if you are planning your wedding at this idyllic location, please do get in touch. I would be keen to hear more about your plans.